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Simon & Schuster

Baking Sourdough Bread by Göran Söderin

Baking Sourdough Bread by Göran Söderin

Regular price $14.99 USD
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Sourdough is magic. It’s healthy, it’s tasty, and it’s alive. But that doesn’t mean you have to be a magician to craft beautiful, tasty loaves from it. Baking Sourdough Bread guides you through the delicious world of sourdough—starter to finish. Recipes include: Classics like French levain and English wheat sourdough bread Unique twists like carrot and hazelnut breads Sweet breads such as the German gugelhupf Baking with sourdough isn’t difficult; the biggest challenge is patience! But take it easy, and your taste buds will be rewarded with a crispy crust and rich, full flavor. Of course, it doesn’t hurt to know a few tricks when mastering the art, and this book offers plenty. Discover the history, the chemistry, and the culture behind this distinctive dough. Learn to make a sourdough starter and keep the leaven active with regular feeding.

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